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Feminine Energy fabric by Amma Gyan Artist Amanartis Watrord 20230310_092137_resized
Feminine Energy
Long, elegant, limbs. Graceful hands. Smooth, flowing yet powerful movement. I made space, closed my eyes and embraced the desire to experience this way of moving. I began to dance to an internal rhythm...
Palestian child by John Richard Hewitt at Amanartist by Amma Gyan artist, Watford London
Baby Insects
I remember at school there were always a few kids who liked to capture insects and do horrible things to them. Whether it was a Daddy Long Legs or Bees, they would capture them and torture them. They seemed...
Where it all began
Deep in thought, wondering what next. Me aged 4. February 2023 was the 20 year anniversary of me embarking on the quest to buck the trend of how to make it in the art, fashion and creative industry. I...
The Lovers by John Richard Hewitt Small at Amanartis Studios by Amma Gyan artist. Buy original art
If you did't have to make money
…. what would you be doing? I often ask people this because I truly believe that if we didn’t have to make money, we would be creating. We’d be making, designing, cooking, discovering,...