The observer

The observer blog post by Amma Gyan at Amanartis by Amma Gyan

The tree in the distance gently moving in the breeze, the shimmer of the shadow on the ground, almost like mirror. The fly scurrying along the ground as if in desperate search of someone or something valuable – I wondered whether it had forgotten that it could fly or was it just enjoying the act of walking, I watched in gratitude for the joy it gave me.

I could have stayed there for hours, forever, why would I do anything else? The peace was heavenly, the stillness was empowering.

The journey back to self is familiar because ‘you’ve’ always been there, the inner being that was happy to observe the world in that childlike manner hasn’t gone anywhere other than under a see of blankets each one apparently better than the next until we can’t see ourselves under them.

Allowing the inner observer to ‘be’ doesn’t take away from your relationship to your physical self – it doesn’t stop you from doing, it just puts it all into perspective in relation to our response to events and others around us.

My own experience of self was brought into new light whilst reading ‘Solve for Happy’ by Mo Gawdat. Reading through the chapters I realised that I have been on a journey back to the being that we all are which is the observer. 

So many things over time will change however the observer doesn’t, it hasn’t changed although the body or the surroundings may have – it’s still the same being observing the changes.

It’s a simple, yet wonderfully freeing realisation that brings clarity to our connection to everything outside of our self.

Who are you, who am I? we are the observers – lets see the world differently.

Solve for Happy Book by Mo Gawdat Amma Gyan artist blog post